Journal Prompts to Assist You in Shadow Work
Do you also have traits that you don’t feel as confident about? Traits that maybe make you feel embarrassed or that trigger you? The traits that you hide from public view make up parts of your shadow self. While you may feel inclined to repress these parts of yourself, it longs to be heard.
It’s not easy to come to terms with our shadow selves. It takes self-awareness, healing and courage to face your shadow self in a healthy way.
This is why shadow work can be beneficial for you! The point of shadow work is to help you accept every single part of yourself and integrate so that you can live with more clarity and authenticity.
Use these prompts to explore what shadow work can do for you Copy/paste them into your own document or you can download my PDF which has interactive text blocks to type in.
What am I ashamed of within myself? What pieces of myself do I reject? Why?
Where do I hold my pain and trauma? What am I doing to relieve myself of this pain? What has kept me comfortable with keeping it?
What toxic cycles am I choosing to perpetuate and why?
What am I lying to about myself? How do these lies comfort me? How do these lies hold me back?
What have I been running from that I don’t feel comfortable addressing? What would happen if I confronted this situation, thought, emotion or belief?
What do I feel like I shouldn’t have to take responsibility or be held accountable for? What gives me these rights or privileges?
Where have I been approaching things from a fear based perspective, rather than love?