Getting Back With Exes

My ex was my introduction to recreational drugs, codependency and turning a blind eye on the women he was “friends” with.

I ignored all the red flags from the very beginning. 

The relationship lasted as long as it did because I was unwilling to do the hard thing that needed to happen. 

I knew for a long time that the relationship had to end and that I SHOULD have broken up with him, but I couldn’t do it. 

I was unwilling because I was scared of facing the truth. 

I didn’t have enough willpower to say “enough is enough.” 

I was too prideful thinking that breaking up meant that I was “giving up” on the relationship. 

It took me finding out that he was seeing and sleeping with other women for the breakup to happen.  

You’ll get a kick out of this: when I confronted him about what I discovered, he had the AUDACITY to tell me, “I think we should break up.” #HowConvenient

Well….I got back with my ex!

In a dream I had this morning.

While cooking soup and fried chicken, I couldn’t help but think about how WRONG it felt to be with him in the kitchen. All I kept saying to myself was, “I’m going to break up with him IMMEDIATELY. Being with him is unacceptable.”

I had a second chance to make things right for myself in the dream. Proof of my own growth and maturity. It was clear that my ex boyfriend is no longer my type.

Actions always speak louder than words. In dreams, your real-time responses to what’s happening in them are huge clues to interpreting the messages.

What dreams have you been having lately where you notice that your thought process is kicking in? This isn’t you just witnessing yourself in a dream. This is a simulation. A test to see how far you’ve come.


Mother Wounds and Rock Water Essence


The Glimmering Podcast Bonus Episode: Becoming Lucid