Questions to Ask Before Working With a Healer

There are many considerations and questions you can ask to help you determine if you want to work with a particular healer for your journey. These are the ones I recommend you ask yourself to see if they’re aligned with you:

  1. Do they embody what I value?

  2. Am I OK with them being my mirror?

  3. Do they feel authentic to me?

  4. Can I trust walking through the dark with them?

  5. Am I willing to be broken open?

  6. Can I let go of the version of me that everybody else loves?

  7. Am I ready to lose control over narratives that keep me stuck in situations that no longer serve me?

  8. Do I sense that they can appropriately hold space for me?

Asking these types of questions help you use discernment by tapping into your intuition. Let me know what other questions have been helpful for you to ask!


Botanical Healing Ceremony Aftercare


The Glimmering Podcast Interview