Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

The Dream

Our collective shadow appeared as a black horse in my dreams this AM, the morning of the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.

A black horse twists and breaks the neck of a man dressed in black. Although “black” horses can mean many things, I felt fear and darkness as a sacred witness to this horrendous act. It was so uncomfortable to see this happen that I woke up.

A Collective Shadow We Must Face

For those of you who are just awakening to your path or have been on this road for a while, the dark horse reminds us of: what we are awakening FROM and the truth of what we are awakening TO.

Words from Spirit on repeat since January: “The spell is broken.” Whichever paradigm(s) or “matrix” you’ve been living in, notice how you’re starting to want to show up more authentically in certain spaces.

As this day points us to our north node, our collective destiny, this Aries Eclipse is showing you that you can NO LONGER…

turn away, 

tilt your head, 

shift your neck or 

close your eyes 

from the suppressed aspects of yourself. Your connection to the divine and the wisdom within you has always been available to you. 

Aries Energy And Chiron Conjunction

This particular eclipse features a Chiron cazimi so you may start to notice a little more ease around sitting with any fears or doubts that have been barriers.

Chiron is known as the “Wounded Healer.” The exact conjunction shows us what actions (Aries) we’re nudged to take to heal our deepest wounds (Chiron).

In the dream, the “injury” happened above the chest, representative of our connection to our divinity. For long, we’ve been cut off from this source, forced to live through an egoic expression of the energy below the chest, representative of our connection to our humanity. This egoic expression may show up as “toxic masculinity.”

Harnessing the power of Aries energy at this time can look like identifying our individuality (lower body) in relationships and what authenticity (upper body) looks like for us.

Thought Prompts

In what ways did you need to be independent or in your authority that you couldn’t do for yourself in the past?

What are some examples of how couldn’t you protect your childhood or inner child?

When did you need to be brave and confident but couldn’t be that?

How can you revisit these situations and discover your medicine? How can use it for yourself and share it with the collective?


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