Seeing Numbers as a Sign or Synchronicity

Are you starting to notice numbers everywhere? Sometimes the numbers are meant to be a catalyst so that you can explore a topic related to things like cosmology, spirituality, spiritual ecology and ancestral lineages. What better one to start with than with numerology!

Numbers hold their own vibrational signature. If you’re starting to notice the numbers then it’s probably a way to get your attention to see if you’re willing to acknowledge, willing to see things differently. Thank your spirit team or the unseen entity you believe in because that’s validation for them that what they’re doing is working. 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about seeing magical numbers, it’s that once you see it, you can’t unsee it!

Here are five different ways of interpreting numbers.

Angel Numbers with General or Common Meanings

You likely have seen lots of Instagram posts on angel numbers. Here are the common meanings:

00/000/0000 - Opportunities: new beginnings are ahead and you are the creator of what you desire

11/111/1111 - Intuition: trust your gut and be more heart centered

22/222/2222 - Alignment: you are in the right place and at the right time

33/333/3333 - Support: your spirit family is sending you love, support and guidance, divine flow

44/444/4444 - Protection: the universe and your spirit family is protecting you, grounding

55/555/5555 - Change: something new or an alternative route is ahead, freedom

66/666/6666 - Reflection: wake up to a different spiritual truth, surrender, self-care

77/777/7777 - Luck: fortunate things are waiting for you, evolution

88/888/8888 - Balance: everything is falling into place, abundant and infinite

99/999/9999 - Release: it’s time to let go of what no longer serves you, moving on

A list of angel numbers and their general meanings

Death and Rebirth Cycles

Numbers can be looked at as following a path or a cycle of completion. This is generally how numbers are perceived in tarot. I haven’t come across validation that this is similar for other cartomancy practices.

1 - New beginnings, tiny spark of light, decision making, potential, inspiration, opportunity

2 - Collaborations, partnerships, flow, perspectives, reflection, balance

3 - Growth, changes needed, choices presented, creativity, birth, synergy, expression, groups

4 - Stability, structure needed or at a standstill, organization, rest, foundations, planning

5 - Conflicts, challenges, uncertainty or loss, adaptability, rebuilding

6 - Problem solving, precariousness, memories, past events, harmony

7 - Completion of a task or reaching a milestone, alternative solutions, knowledge base, different ideals, strategy, victory

8 - Action, movement, motion, evolution, mastery

9 - Wholeness, accomplishment, abundance, impregnated, reevaluation, fruition

10 - Closure, exits and endings, satiety, fulfillment, transformation

0 - Openness, options, infinity

A list of numbers relating to death and rebirth cycles


As mentioned in the introduction, each number holds its own vibrational signature. One of the fun ways to start practicing this is to see how it influences the energy of each year or month.

For example, the year 2023 holds the frequency of 7 (2+2+3). Each month, while already in a traditional numeric order, will have a specific number based on adding it’s numeric order with the number of the year. For 2023, it would look like this:

  • January holds the energy of number 8 (1+2+2+3)

  • February holds the energy of number 9 (2+2+2+3)

  • March holds the energy of number 1 (3+2+2+3)

  • April holds the energy of number 11 and 2 (4+2+2+3)

  • May holds the energy of number 3 (5+2+2+3)

  • June holds the energy of number 4 (6+2+2+3)

  • July holds the energy of number 5 (7+2+2+3)

  • August holds the energy of number 6 (8+2+2+3)

  • September holds the energy of number 7 (9+2+2+3)

  • October holds the energy of number 8 (1+2+2+3)

  • November holds the energy of number 9 (11+2+2+3)

  • December holds the energy of number 1 (12+2+2+3)

Numerology itself is its own complete study and deserves more than I can offer on this blog. Different cultures and communities may assign different associations to a number. I highly encourage looking into your own heritage to see what special meanings come up for you!

This website does a good job at providing lengthy descriptions of the vibrational signature of each number.

The Meaning at the Moment

Similarly to what I mentioned above about cycles, sometimes a number gets assigned to a particular life phase you’re going through. This “meaning at the moment” is a sign of confirmation from your spirit family that they are on your side, helping you move through this stage of life.

For example, when I returned from a trip to Oregon in 2022, I started seeing 4s everywhere! The purpose of that trip was to decide if I wanted to relocate to Bend, Oregon. That wasn’t my last stop, though. 4s have been prevalent on my journey of taking a huge leap of faith in relocating to a new place, which I decided on only recently.

Additionally, this could show up as important astrological transits that may deeply affect you. If you have access to your natal chart, compare what’s on there with current or upcoming planetary changes down to the degree. If you’re within 5 degrees above or 5 degrees below, you’ll likely be impacted by the current sky.

For example, my Venus is in Pisces at 24 degrees in the 10th house. I take it seriously whenever a transit falls under: Venus moving into Pisces within 19 - 29 degrees.

Making it Personal as Language Co-Creation

I saved the best tip for last because in reality, we likely learn about numbers in that same order! The thing about signs and synchronicities is that it’s always going to be personal to you. Yes, the resources mentioned above are incredibly helpful and may even be just what you need to satiate your curosity.

But at some point, you’ll learn that you can’t, and shouldn’t, always depend on external sources for validation or meaning making. Or even to a more dangerous extent, we don’t want to be overly dependent on external sources as that may be a form of spiritual bypassing instead of taking responsibility.

When you’ve reached a threshold of learning and discovering ancient wisdom such as numerology, you’ll find that you can trust in knowing what the signs mean. Even better, you’ll start to realize that you can use your signs as a way to co-create a language between you and your spirit family so that communication is clear.

You get to be the person who assigns a specific message or meaning to a number. Through that level of confidence and sense of ownership, your spirit family will then know how to better communicate with you to help you know that you’re always guided, supported and loved.

For example, I attribute 3s as my sign from my guides regarding career life and creativity. Whenever I see 3s, I know that it’s my guides assuring that I’m in right place at the right time.

I hope this article helps you begin your own path of discovering what the numbers mean for you personally! Numerology was one of the first topics I got into during my dark night of the soul when I had all these questions about life and existence.

Go On A Journey


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