Frequently Asked Questions


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Breathwork Ceremonies

  • Two healing modalities I incorporate into a ceremony is energy (esoteric and intuitive) healing and breath work.

    Most energy healing modalities have both hands off and hands on techniques that can be used.

    Before a session begins, I always check in with my client to ask them of their preference with hands on or hands off techniques.

    Clients are also notified that they may request an alteration to a hands on technique during a session should they change their mind.

  • I strive to use high quality materials which could mean they are: organic or non GMO (genetically modified), ethically and/or locally sourced, recycled/recyclable and sustainable and sometimes home grown.

    Materials that may be incorporated in a session (in person and virtual) includes:

    Fresh flowers and plants

    Dried flowers and herbs

    Spring water (sometimes moon and sun water)


    Incense sticks

    Flower essences

    Essential oils

    Vibrational sound instruments

  • My healing lineage, many of my spiritual upbringings and my experiences participating in ceremonies can be linked back to my heritage of Cambodian, Thai and Chinese ancestors.

    While parts of a breathwork ceremony is derived from cultural practices I grew up with, I also acknowledge that many of these same practices are shared globally.

    In broad context, no aspect of these ceremonies is uniquely attributed to the healing practices of one community or culture.

    Historically, I acknowledge that many aspects of the breathwork ceremonies have origin stories relating back to specific communities. (For example, flower offerings, use of incense sticks, capturing vibrational imprints of flowers in water as medicine and energy healing can be traced in Asian history.)

    If there’s something you’d like considered for your ceremony that’s special to your cultural or religious ties, please email me so we can work on integrating your preferences into the ceremonial process (invocation, materials, rituals, etc.).

  • To book a privately held gathering, please email me.

  • As part of the process of channeling and asking for permission, I won’t be given any specific information relating to your world.

    Any elements that move through me as a conduit will present as more of a feeling or symbolic reference.

    Your soul will only reveal what is necessary and nothing more.

    Anything you don’t wish to share with me won’t come through in my readings as that’s not part of your soul’s permission, nor yours.

    Additionally, the space I hold for you in ceremony is a space of non judgement.


    Read this blog post for a full breakdown of how to prepare for your ceremony before, during and after.


    Virtual sessions are held over Zoom. Although encouraged, you’re not required to be on camera, ever. Basically, this means that YOU can be anywhere you want to be in this world for a breathwork ceremony!

    If access to Zoom is unavailable, please contact me so we can plan on other ways to connect.

  • Visit my booking page to get started!

  • Visit my blog for further information on breathwork ceremonies and spiritual development.

    You can also email me for questions not listed in the FAQs.


Payments & Policies

  • I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life.

    In my desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:

    24 hour advance notice is appreciated when cancelling an appointment.

    This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.

    All booking fees are final and non-refundable.

  • Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.”

    There are no refunds for a “missed” appointment.

    I appreciate your diligence at watching your schedule closely.

  • If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours.

    If no appointment follows, we may adjust your time slot. Depending on how late you arrive, we will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start your session.

    Regardless of the length of the session actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session.

    Out of respect and consideration to myself and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.

  • Disclaimer: I am not a licensed health or mental health practitioner and do not take the place of such, thus I do not provide medical, nutritional, psychological or other services designated for practice by a licensed professional, provide treatment or give professional advice.

    If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment for a physical or mental health concern, please seek advice from a licensed clinician or physician.

    The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.