The Leader’s Breath Workshop at Youth Peer Support Action Summit ‘23

On November 10, 2023, I had the honor of hosting “The Leader’s Breath,” at the Youth Peer Support Action Summit.

During the opening keynote, one of the things I kept hearing multiple speakers is that a lot of times, our youth may not feel like they belong or that they have something worthy to say. Maybe in some spaces, our youth feel like they don’t have power.

The theme we explored was leadership styles, which felt even more appropriate given the sentiment of the keynote speakers. Breathers identified their relationship to their guts, their wombs and bridged this connection to their throats.

Through a poll, participants were asked to use one word to describe their leadership style. Responses included: facilitative, purposeful, nurturing, encouraging, friendly, charismatic and not sure.

A word cloud of responses from participants describing their leadership style.

This was a virtual, interactive wellness workshop using two breathing techniques. These somatic practices help calm the nervous system so that you can return back to your inner authority, so that you can feel safe and courageous enough to share your voice, which as you know, it’s critical for us all to speak up right now to help shape the future.

Participants were also asked if they have ever used breathing exercises to connect with themselves. 95% said yes!

Poll outlining amount of participants familiar with breathing exercises

Thank you to Mental Health America and Doors to Wellbeing by The Copeland Center for hosting this event.

Lastly, thank you to all workshop attendees! It was an honor to be among youth, young adults and other allies invested in collective healing. 

Bring a breathing workshop to your corporate, nonprofit or community-based organization.

Click here to get in touch so we can explore this together!


Tea with Intuitives Podcast Interview


Common Breathwork Experiences